Staple Community

Staple Village Hall

The Village Hall is managed by the community. For more details visit the village hall website:

Parent and Toddlers

 Meets every Wednesday afternoon in the Village Hall between 1.15- 2.45pm. Welcome to Mums, Dads , Grandparents , Child Minders, babies and children  Relax over tea and coffee while children enjoy a drink and biscuit and sometimes cake too!   
Organiser: Rachel Eastwood 01304 814253

Staple Pre-School

Experienced professional  staff provide a caring atmosphere for children aged 2-5 years and offer 15 free hours of care and education for children over 3 years old .  Funding is also provided for eligible  children aged 2. Meet in the Village Hall on Monday -Friday from 9.15am to 12.15 pm  with optional lunch club from 12.15 -1pm for small additional fee. ;
Paul Wells (Chairman Managing Committee) 01304 812235

Youth Club

Small friendly organisation staffed by volunteers, which caters for children aged 7-14  from all parishes.  They meet in the Village Hall on Fridays  between 7- 9pm during school term time.  The cost is £1.75 per session.  
Leaders: Mark and Angela Chandler, Glen and Becky Missions, Jo Little.  

Recorder Group

Meet regularly and enjoy playing together  New members are invited of any ability, who want to learn to  play the Recorder or play in an ensemble for fun.
Contact: Bridget Burridge  01304 611888 or email


 Meets in the Village Hall on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm.  
 Secretary: Michelle Beer 01304 812030

Woodland Trust

 The Trust looks after Lea Wood, which is on the opposite of the road to the former Three Tuns Inn
They meet on the 1st Friday of each month between 10am -12noon to manage the wood. For more information contact Keith  Brammer, Trust Chairman  01304 812536

Staple Millenium Club

 If you would like to join please contact Louise Coombs 01304 814329

Short Mat
Bowls Club

 The club with an active membership of 14, Meets on a  Thursday night.  The first 3 meetings are free for new members and light refreshments are provided.  People of all ages are welcome
Contact  Mervyn Baker 01304813537 for details