Below you can see some of our upcoming events!
Also have a look at some of the links on the left to see previous community events we have held across the Benefice.
Please keep a watch on this
website for up to date information .
We look forward to welcoming friends old and new!
Wednesday Holy Communion
10am Wednesdays 11th, 18th December
in Eastry Church Hall
(sometimes Morning Prayer if no clergy available)
Tea and Natter Christmas Lunch
Tuesday 10th December at 12.30pm In the Five Bells pub
Tea and Natter Singalong Carols
Tuesday 17th December at 2pm in Eastry Church Hall
Coffee Morning at St. Andrew's Church Tilmanstone
Tuesday 26th November from 10-11.30am
Tea / Coffee and biscuits with a Raffle
Have a good get together. Tea/Coffee and biscuits with a raffle.
All welcome and bring a friend along with you.
Proceeds to St. Andrew’s Church Roof and Porch repairs
Coffee, Cake & Chat
10am on Saturdays 14th, 21st December
in Woodnesborough Church
Coffee Pot
10am on Tuesdays 10th,17th December
in Woodnesborough Church
For events organized by Eastry please call Larry Wheatley
on 01304 612155 or email Larry
For events organized by Tilmanstone, please call Annette Silk
on 01304 617833 or email Annette
For events organised by Woodnesborough, please contact Alison Hilton
on 07460 839319