Working with the Community


 Click here for a map of Eastry

Eastry Primary School

Primary school

School and Church are closely linked and provide services for Welcome, Leavers, Harvest and Christmas. Local Clergy and church representatives regularly visit the school for assemblies and prayer meetings.

Eastry House

This is a residential home for Adults with learning difficulties and is very much part of the life of the community and the church.

Parish Council

The church and the council have a good, close working relationship, and the Parish Council is responsible for the maintenance of the closed Churchyard and Cemetery.

"Eastry Village News"  is a monthly church/village magazine, which was launched at the end of March 2005.  It covers news both from organisations within the village as well as carrying church news and contact numbers.  Advertisers have been invited to contribute to the magazine, which is free and is delivered to every house in the village.  The Editor is Patrick Clarke,  who can be reached on 01304 611224 if you have any items for inclusion in the magazine,  

The popular Play-scheme run by volunteers throughout the Benefice and which is based at Northbourne Parish Hall

Church Fete & Flower Festival

Our church fete is renowned far and wide for its sense of community and fellowship, with good quality stalls and games etc.  The fete takes place each year in July and the flower festival is bi-annual, again a most popular event.  Look out for the signs, they are events not to be missed!